Unchained TV has just released a video from US Vegan Olympic Medalist and Founder of Switch4Good.org, Dotsie Bausch, featuring a report on a
shocking new LA billboard calling out animal dairy industry mind games.

The core message of the billboard is the statement that '9 out of 10 Serial Killers Grew Up Drinking Milk' (animal milk), a spoof on an earlier dairy industry statement that '9 out of 10 Olympians Grew Up Drinking Milk'.
See why Dotsie's killermilk.com billboard is turning heads in Hollywood.
Switch4Good is an evidenced based LA based non-profit founded by the former Olympian who now devotes her time to revealing the truth corporations have promoted as fact for so many years. The website is full of wonderfull information.
"Truth is, most Americans grew up drinking milk because BIG DAIRY lied to us. Working in collusion with the Federal Government, BIG DAIRY sold us the lie that “Milk does a body good.” They said we needed milk to be healthy and have strong bones. But it’s just not true."
Further facts include:
"Dairy is a leading contributor to heart disease—the NUMBER ONE KILLER of Americans. Milk and other dairy products are the top source of artery-clogging saturated and trans fats in the standard American diet. These fats constrict blood vessels and slow blood flow to working muscles, causing hypertension and wreaking havoc on the cardiovascular system. Cheese is especially dangerous since it is typically over 50% percent fat!
Multiple studies have linked dairy to increased risk of terminal cancer.
More Dairy = More Ovarian Cancer Deaths Research published in 2021 looked at over 3 million people (!) across 34 studies and found that women who consumed more dairy increased their risk of dying from ovarian cancer by 32%.
More Dairy = More Prostate Cancer Deaths Harvard researchers found that men consuming the recommended 3 daily servings of dairy had a 141% higher risk of dying from prostate cancer.
Studying over 200,000 people, Harvard researchers found that replacing the “recommended” three daily servings of dairy with whole grains, nuts, or beans (like oat, almond, and soy milk) cuts the risk of dying early by over one-third.
Dairy products are among the most harmful inflammatory foods–especially for the 65 percent of people globally who are lactose intolerant. Inflammation is the one underlying comorbidity linked to most chronic disease"
Killermilk.com doesn't just stop with personal health; it goes on to talk about the very real impacts on the environment such as land degradation and emissions from industrial dairy production.
"Industrial dairy farming contributes to ecocide—the widespread anthropogenic climate change causing a global environmental crisis.
The waste from a dairy farm of 2,500 cows is equivalent to the waste from a city of 411,000 people, or 110 million pounds of waste a year. What’s more, animal agriculture makes us 1/4 of the global water footprint, 19% of which comes from dairy cows.
According to Science.org, water use is much higher for cow’s milk: 628 litres of water for every litre of dairy produced, compared to just 28 litres of water used for 1 litres of soy milk".
Feed back to the killermilk.com billboard will be gauged in the coming weeks and no-doubt we will hear from the very courageous Dotsie Bausch.
Access more facts from killermilk.com and switch4good.org